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Zulip Chat

URL Format


URL Fields

  • BotMail - Bot e-mail address (Required)
    URL part: zulip://botmail:botkey@host:port/
  • BotKey - API Key (Required)
    URL part: zulip://botmail:botkey@host:port/
  • Host - API server hostname (Required)
    URL part: zulip://botmail:botkey@host:port/

Query/Param Props

Props can be either supplied using the params argument, or through the URL using
?key=value&key=value etc.

  • Stream
    Default: empty

  • Topic
    Default: empty
    Aliases: title


Since bot-mail is a mail address you need to URL escape the @ in it to %40.


Stream and topic are both optional and can be given as parameters to the Send method:

  sender, __ := shoutrrr.CreateSender(url)

  params := make(types.Params)
  params["stream"] = "mystream"
  params["topic"] = "This is my topic"

  sender.Send(message, &params)

Example service URL
